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Empowering Students For The Future

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Empowering Students For The Future

Empowering Students for the Future: Using the Right Questions to Teach the Value of Passion, Success, and Failure arms educators with the tools to teach what we all wish we had learned in school. You will uncover how to help your students think deeper, redefine failure, and authentically create their definition of success.

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What's it all about?

The book offers a variety of practical ideas throughout, including rapid-fire questions and a bowl meeting structure to help students find their passions; activities to help students address negativity from social media plus negative, self-inflicted mantras they may unconsciously be following; a chart that enables students to see their progress toward achieving their definition of success; tips for discussing value, sacrifice, self-discipline, motivation, and the tyranny of low expectations; plus ideas for helping students embrace failure as a steppingstone toward learning and triumph. With clear strategies in each chapter, this unique book will show you how your learners can truly map out a happier, healthier, more successful future.

The Book Is Here! A Look Back At Empy's Launch.

It's a book!

After years of toiling and crafting, I am happy to announce the birth of  my brainchild, Empowering Students for the Future, affectionately known as Empy. With a weighty 14.8 ounces and a sturdy frame of 6 by 9 inches, he  is a force to be reckoned with. 


Empy is bursting with vigor and enthusiasm, eager to take on the world and leave his mark on the minds of readers everywhere!!  Not a moment too soon.  Empy’s triumphant debut is May 2, 2023 on Amazon and Routledge Publishing. With a heart full of hope and a mind brimming with knowledge, he is ready to inspire and empower students for generations to come.

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Growing up so fast!

Oh, how heartwarming it is to see Empy growing up so fast! It seems like only yesterday he was just a twinkle in my eye, and now he's already learning about colors, shapes, and veggies - what a bright little star he is!


As he continues to flourish and expand his horizons, Empy is facing new challenges and experiences that will shape him into the brilliant gem he was always meant to be. Balancing the exhilaration and anxiety of his impending debut on May 2nd, both on Amazon and Routledge Publishing, Empy is proving to be a true trooper!


Through his determination and perseverance, he is sure to make a lasting impression on readers worldwide, inspiring and empowering them with his wisdom and insights.

So, let us cheer on Empy as he takes his first steps into the literary world and shows us all what he's made of!  Go Empy, go!

Huge milestone!

Wow, Empy hit another milestone! It's amazing to see him already taking his first steps into the literary world, and it's no surprise that he was meant to Empower Students for the Future. This little guy is already asking some deep questions, like how he can define success in his own unique way and how he can take care of his emotional wellbeing.

It's great to see Empy thinking ahead, especially with his big debut on May 2nd on Amazon and Routledge Publishing just around the corner. He's already preparing himself for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and that's a testament to his determination and resilience.

With his curious nature and thirst for knowledge, there's no doubt that Empy will make a significant impact in the literary world and beyond. We can't wait to see what the future holds for this little dynamo!

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Unreal progress!

Empy is on fire and getting ready for his big debut tomorrow on Amazon and Routledge Publishing. He knows he's carrying the weight of Empowering Students for the Future on his shoulders, but he's not letting that get him down. In fact, he's more pumped up than ever before!

Empy understands that there's no time to rest when you're on a mission to empower students and change the world. That's why he's been working tirelessly to map out his own unique path to success and doing some deep self-reflection on who he wants to be.

With his strong sense of purpose and unwavering determination, there's no doubt that Empy will make a huge impact in the literary world and beyond. We can't wait to see what he has in store for us tomorrow!

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Today is the day!

It's finally here! The day we've all been waiting for has arrived. Empy's enormous debut on Amazon and Routledge Publishing is NOW! This is just the beginning of his journey of Empowering Students for the Future and conquer the literary world, and he's more than ready to take on the challenge.

But amidst all the excitement, Empy also understands the importance of taking a moment to enjoy the journey. He knows that it's not just about the destination, but about making the most of every step along the way. With his wise and insightful perspective, Empy is already proving to be a true leader and inspiration to all.

We're so excited to see where this journey takes Empy next, and we have no doubt that he's going to continue to amaze and inspire us all. Congratulations on your big debut, Empy!

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The aftermath.

Empy had an absolute blast celebrating his world debut on both Amazon and Routledge Publishing! As you can see, he might have indulged a little too much and now needs a mental and physical health day to recover.

But it's not all bad news. Empy hit it off with a lovely book at the party, and though her number got a bit smudged during the festivities, he's still hopeful they'll reconnect soon.

And despite the exhaustion, Empy's adventure of Empowering Students for the Future is just getting started. He understands the importance of reflection and asking the right questions, and he's ready and eager to share his insights with the literary world

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Unstoppable force.

Empy, the unstoppable force behind Empowering Students For The Future, has been on a non-stop mission to spread his empowering message far and wide. His tireless efforts, coupled with the impactful content of the book, have caught the attention of the nation. It's time for Empy to take center stage!

He's been making waves with appearances on numerous talk shows, captivating audiences with his passion and insights. Empy is determined to bring about a positive change in the lives of students everywhere, and he's leaving no stone unturned in his quest.

With each interview, he's amplifying the message of Empowering Students For The Future, igniting a spark of inspiration and motivation in students across the nation. Empy's infectious energy and powerful ideas are leaving a lasting impression on both educators and learners alike.

So keep an eye out for Empy as he continues to make his rounds, making a wave of change in our students' lives. Together, we can empower the next generation and create a brighter future for all.

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"The labels you have been given do not define you. It is what you decide to do with your life that defines you."

Thoughts from the book.

There is no way to have authentic, life-changing, long- lasting, self-improving change without CONTINUALLY enduring a soul-searching, gut- wrenching self-reflection.
"How you view failure can determine your successes in life"
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About The Author

It is my goal to build and an army of successful students. Not only am I an award winning public school teacher, but I am also an accomplished magician and speaker. After years of teaching, I still love educating and have crafted a way to burst out of the borders of my classroom. By merging the message from my book with magic, I now get to share my motivational magic message traveling from coast to coast. 

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